Therapy for Autistic and ADHD Adults

  • To quote Dr. Nick Walker: "the diversity of human brains and minds – the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within our species.”  “Neurodiversity is a biological fact. It’s not a perspective, an approach, a belief, a political position, or a paradigm.” 

    Neurodivergent as a term is often associated with autism and ADHD; however, it is not a synonym for autism and ADHD. Neurodivergent is sometimes an umbrella-term for a wide variety of brains. We may be born with difference and/or acquire difference, such as with traumatic stress.

    Neurodivergent is a term inclusive of a multitude of neurotypes, such as the bipolar spectrum, traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and more; however, the term itself is more of a strengths-based lens of identifying with difference.

    I include tabs on support for autistic adults and ADHD/AuDHD in this category due to the common association with the term Neurodivergent.

  • According to the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network: “The Neurodiversity Movement says that people with brain-based disabilities (like autism, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, or mental health disabilities) should be accepted and included in society just like neurotypical people (people without brain-based disabilities).”

  • In a nutshell, honoring variation of neurotypes among human beings. It means validating our lived experience and accepting, empowering, and facilitating authentic expression.

    It means acknowledging the challenges that may arise, whether that be personally, environmentally, relationally, societally, with openness, curiosity, and nonjudgment.

    It means recognizing strengths and challenges, without either invalidating the other.

    It means not pushing someone to conform for the sake of conformity, or to push someone to act a certain way for the comfort of others (but to their own detriment).

    It means compassion and kindness towards all humans. It means encouraging joy in its various forms.

    • You are welcome and to stim in-session (e.g., rocking, hand-flapping, playing with objects)

    • You are welcome to share your passions and interests

    • You are welcome to present naturally and authentically (e.g., comfortable facial expressions and body language, clothing)

    • You are welcome to share your pets/plants with me (e.g., cats, dogs, tarantulas, isopods, succulents)

    • You are welcome to let me know what is helpful and unhelpful (e.g., if you want me to listen, if you would like suggestions, if you had questions)

    • You are welcome to express emotions without judgment

    • You are welcome to let me know what you feel, or if you do not know what you feel (e.g., let me know if you're overwhelmed and need a break)

    • You are welcome to ask for clarification on our interactions together (e.g., , if you had confusion about what I meant by a comment or intended to communicate)

    • You are welcome to let me know if you need more time to think or process

    • You are welcome to unmask, and learn to unmask in a safe, supportive space

  • I have lived experience as a neurodivergent therapist, and human, which means that I approach neurodiversity from both firsthand knowledge and from experience/training as a professional.

  • I'm here to support you wholeheartedly and with unconditional compassion.

    Whether you are someone who has been aware of being autistic since childhood, were late-diagnosed, self-diagnosed, have autistic traits, or suspect you are on the spectrum, I am happy to be there for you.

    I strongly believe in the value of both lived, and professional, experience in supporting autistic adults, and I am committed to life-long learning both personally and professionally to best support you.

  • I'm here to help support you to navigate challenges with ADHD, which commonly includes:


    -Emotion Regulation

    -Rejection Sensitivity, or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)



    -Work Stress

    -Task Initiation and Completion

    -Concentration and Attention

    AuDHD is a term that is commonly used for those who are autistic and have ADHD, which can come with unique complexities and concerns. Some people find this validating and helpful as a term.

  • Websites:


    • Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg

    • Neurotribes by Steve Silberman

    • Different, Not Less by Chloé Hayden

    • Neuroqueer Heresies by Nick Walker

    • We're All Neurodiverse by Sonny Jane Wise

    • How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe

    • Touched with Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison


    And more...coming soon! Feel free to message me with suggestions to add.