Iā€™m Here To Support You With:

  • Anxiety often has its roots in lived experience, and I honor that history in my approach while helping you with the present moment.

    I may utilize the following techniques, based on your individual needs:

    -Compassion-Focused Therapy

    -Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

    -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    -Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills

    -Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

    I am able to help support you with many types of anxiety, which may include:

    -Social Anxiety

    -Health Anxiety

    -Generalized Anxiety

    -Specific Phobias

    -Panic Attacks

    -Panic Disorder

    -Rejection Sensitivity

  • Seeking out support for the most difficult experiences of our lives is not an easy task, and I approach trauma and PTSD with a foundation of connection, safety, respect for your autonomy, and unconditional compassion.

    If you are a Highly Sensitive Person and/or Neurodivergent, you may feel especially impacted by traumatic stress.

    I may utilize compassion-focused therapy, supportive therapy, DBT skills (emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and mindfulness), or EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy to support you.

    EMDR helps to process and resolve traumatic memories that keep us "stuck," and to strengthen positive, helpful beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world.

    I am able to help with a variety of concerns related to trauma, such as:

    -Complex Trauma

    -Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    -Childhood Trauma

    -Relationship Trauma

    -Traumatic Grief/Loss



    -Chronic Depression & Anxiety

    -Difficulties feeling pleasure, joy, happiness, drive, motivation

    -Intrusive Memories

    -Emotional, Physical, Psychological or Sexual Abuse/Trauma

    -Witnessing Traumatic Events (e.g., domestic violence)

    -Medical Trauma/Complications

  • It is common to experience depression when our lives are not aligned with our needs, wants, and values.

    Especially if we are Highly Sensitive People and/or Neurodivergent.

    You may have struggled with a harsh inner voice for so much of your life that self-kindness and compassion feels unfamiliar and strange.

    You may have struggled to feel heard, understood, and like you have a place in the world.

    You may have had to get through each day exhausted and worn-down by a world that may not accommodate you.

    I am able to help support you with concerns related to depression, such as:

    -Often feeling sad, down, irritable, numb, or empty

    -Feeling exhausted, tired, low energy

    -Lacking motivation to engage in work, hobbies/interests that you love, even getting up for the day and engaging in self-care

    -Feeling bad about yourself, or like something is wrong with you

    -Difficulty feeling pleasure, excitement, joy, happiness, satisfaction

    -Difficulty sleeping, eating, showering, brushing teeth

    -Withdrawing and isolating from friends, family, loved ones

    -Feeling helpless, hopeless, lonely

    You. Are. Not. Alone. So many people I've worked with have had the thought, "it'll never get better" and have been able to find hope and the beauty in life again.

  • Perfectionism can be extremely exhausting and keep us stuck in chronic anxiety, depression, and harsh criticism.

    You may have felt an urge to prove your value, worth, and lovability to other people. You may have felt that no matter what you do, you still feel like something is wrong with you deep inside.

    I understand where you're coming from, and I hope to support you to continue striving for excellence while also feeling at your core that you are worthy, valuable, and lovable exactly as you are.

    You are able to build a beautiful life, moving towards your goals, AND make room for enjoyment and happiness.

  • Childhood Emotional Neglect means that growing up, you had unmet emotional needs such that you did not feel like your thoughts or feelings mattered.

    You may not have felt like you mattered.

    You may have had your emotions invalidated and felt unable to share vulnerably with those in your life.

    You may have felt bad about yourself, defective, or not good enough for as long as you can remember.

    You may have felt difficulties understanding yourself, your identify, and what you actually want in life.

    Here is more information, a Childhood Emotional Neglect Questionnaire, to see if CEN is impacting you: https://drjonicewebb.com/emotional-neglect-questionnaire/.

  • Skin-Picking (Excoriation Disorder/Dermatillomania) and Hair-Pulling (Trichotillomania) are what are called Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, or BFRBS. These can be highly distressing conditions that you may find difficult to manage alone.

    Other BFRBs may include: nail-biting/picking, lip-biting, skin-biting, and more.

    I have specialized training in CBT-Based Treatment for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) from the TLC Institute, and I can support you with these concerns.

    It is not uncommon for those who are autistic and/or have anxiety, ADHD, depression to struggle with BFRBs, even if it is not commonly talked about.

  • No matter where you are along your journey, whether you are not quite ready to talk about it but still want a listening ear, or you are hoping to address difficult memories, I'm here to support you.

    -Loss of a Loved One

    -Traumatic Grief/Loss

    -Pet Loss

    -Complicated Grief

    -Loss of a Relationship/Friendship

    -Loss of Safety or Security in the World


    -Disenfranchised Grief

    -Miscarriage/Stillbirth, Infertility

    -Leaving One's Home Country or Family

    -Loss of Health

    -Divorce or Breakup

    -Loss of a Dream or Goal

    -Loss of Childhood, Youth, or Innocence

    -Anticipatory Grief

    -Loss of Identity

    -Loss of Independence

    -Collective, Community, or Societal Loss

  • Bipolar disorder can often come with long periods of depression, without fully understanding why, and wavering back and forth between emotional states.

    Life stress can take an especially hard toll on someone with bipolar disorder and it can be helpful to regularly seek out support to maintain balance and stability.

    I am able to integrate a therapy called Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy, or IPSRT, which is made to support those on the bipolar spectrum.